Section Leadership
Section Chief
Brandon Hollister
Brandon Hollister is a Vigil Honor member from Tatanka Anpetu-Wi Lodge. He also serves as the Gateway Region Communications Coordinator, in addition to being the 2023 National Jamboree Apex Rally Jamboree Vice Chief (JVC). Additionally, Brandon has received the Founder’s Award and earned the rank of Eagle Scout.
Additionally, Brandon will be serving as the Shows Conference Vice Chief for NOAC 2024 in Boulder, Colorado!
Section Vice Chief
Mitch Breuer
Mitch Brewer is a Vigil Honor member from Tatanka Anpetu-Wi Lodge. He has received the Founder’s Award and earned the rank of Eagle Scout.
Section Secretary
Garrett Thompson
Garrett Thompson is a Brotherhood member from Kit-Ke-Hak-O-Kut Lodge. He served on the Summit Apex Rally staff at the 2023 National Jamboree. Garrett has also earned the rank of Eagle Scout and the Dr. Bernard Harris NOVA STEM Award through Scouts BSA.
Additionally, Garrett will be serving on the Shows staff for NOAC 2024!
Section Adviser
Russ Votava
Russ is a Vigil Honor member of Golden Sun Lodge. He has served our section and order for many years in positions from the Lodge to National level.
Section Associate Adviser
Evan Reeder
Evan is a Vigil Honor member of Golden Sun Lodge. He has been with the section for multiple years now and supports the Vice Chief and Secretary in their roles!